Juilliard Library announces the addition of Qwest TV EDU to its list of digital collections offered through Juilcat Plus. Qwest TV EDU from Qwest TV "preserves diverse live performances, covering the evolution of jazz and beyond -- representing funk, soul, hip-hop, folk, indie, electronic, blues, and other eclectic world genres. Co-created by Quincy Jones & Reza Ackbaraly, this unique collection of highly curated titles makes timeless concerts and global music accessible for research, teaching, and learning." (Qwest TV EDU) Qwest TV EDU is available on the Alexander Street platform.
Artstor, formerly a stand-alone service, is now incorporated into the JSTOR platform. "Explore Artstor’s collections of high-quality images, curated from leading museums and archives around the world. Artstor’s diverse collections are rights-cleared for education and research, and include Open Access content as well as rare materials not available elsewhere." (Artstor) Images of artwork and journal articles are now available together on the JSTOR platform.